Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Reaching Your Goals Begins Here
Most people perform better when they are heading toward a goal. But it is important to understand that the goals must motivate. If your goals leave you feeling inadequate, stressed out, or over-worked, then you will lack the motivation to complete them.
Goals that motivate have specific characteristics:
* Clarity. Clear goals are specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART). When a goal is clear and specific, people know what needs to be done and what is expected.
* Challenge. We are often motivated by achievement, so we'll judge a goal by how difficult we perceive it to be. If it is too easy, we won't give it as much attention and energy. However, if it demands us to stretch ourselves in order to achieve the recognition of a job well done, we are more likely to be motivated to excel.
* Commitment. For goal setting to be effective, the goals need to be agreed upon and understood. While this doesn't mean you negotiate every goal with every employee, there is value in engaging the people working towards the goal in crafting it. When we help to create the stretch goal, we are more connected to the challenge and more willing to commit. The harder the goal, the more commitment is needed.
* Task Complexity. For goals that are highly complex, we have to not only give people sufficient time to meet the goal, but actually provide the time to practice or learn skills that are necessary for success. The purpose of goal setting is successful achievement, so you have to be careful that the conditions around the goal support that success rather than stifle it.
* Feedback. Incorporating feedback into the goal setting process allows for expectations to be clarified, difficulty to be adjusted, and recognition given. In particular, when a goal is long-term in nature, it's important to set benchmarks that help people gauge their success and see their achievement.
Once the goals are defined, each goal should be "drilled down" with specific objectives and measures. Objects can be thought of as the yardstick; measures can be thought of as the exact location on the yardstick of each goal area; and both short-term and long-term objectives and measures should be defined.
When determining your objectives and measures it can be helpful to ask, "How will we know when this goal is achieved?" "What, exactly, will be different around here when the goal is attained?"
I appreciate this simple statement from Sir Edmund Hillary: "You don't have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things - to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals."
Monday, 29 October 2018
Sunday, 28 October 2018
Saturday, 27 October 2018
Feeling Comfortable Being Different
How many people feel "different" in some way? You would probably be surprised at the high percentage of people who do feel really different. And yet, should we be so surprised? We know that we are all unique and individual and this implies that we are indeed all different.
Sometimes we wish to enhance and show off our uniqueness and to be seen to stand out from the crowd, whilst at other times we feel more comfortable when we blend in and become one of the crowd or one of a team. In reality, we want it both ways; we want to feel comfortable in both situations depending upon what suits us at the time.
If you watch Glee you see many examples of teens and adults who all portray the feelings associated with being different. You can see the difficult tug of war between the desire to fit in and the desire to stand out from the crowd and perform. There are always going to be social trends and social norms. There will always be the cool things to participate in and the not so cool. And that's what Glee is all about.
One thing which you can see in Glee is that even if a small number of people are similar to you this can allow you to express yourself more easily and build your confidence and strength. There may only be two or three of you who identify in a similar way, but this can be enough, even in a situation where there are hundreds of people who are "in the other cooler camp.
Another observation which could be made is that as soon as one cool kid joins the less cool group, others begin to think about you differently. You become "cooler" but the guy or girl who used to be perceived as the cool one may make the rest of his or her old associates feel threatened and reject them. It's a tough decision to step out of the cool arena and associates with the "geeks".
But in reality, those who are perceived as "geeks" are simply people who are more willing to display their differences. They are, in reality, the stronger people. They are willing to forego the natural instinct to "fit in" and instead follow their heart and their inner wisdom about what is right for them. They are true to themselves.
One question which everyone should ask themselves is would they prefer to be cool or would they like to be true to themselves and lead their own life following their own heart? And anyone who used to pick on the geeks or make fun of those who are different should ask themselves why they are doing this? Why do they feel so threatened?
Friday, 26 October 2018
Thursday, 25 October 2018
How To Become Successful, To Follow You're Desire
How to be successful. Why aren't you successful? You're successful in life because you are doing the wrong things.
You have to first have a desire in life. Once you have desire you have a goal you strive to reach. Don't sell yourself short. If you ask for a penny, just a penny. You will get just a penny.
The universe is there for you to give. Make sure you demand what you truly desire. You have to know it is possible. If you have any doubt in your mind it will not come true as you do not have faith that you can achieve it. What does the universe do in this case? It grants your desire.
Write down what you desire on paper. Set a date to when you will achieve this desire. See yourself with this desire. Make it clear in your mind that you have achieved this desire. If it is money, write down how much money, be specific, don't just say a lot. The more specific you are the clearer the picture.
Start off by saying I desire, fill in the blank. You do this because the word desire is more powerful then the word want. Want is a statement saying that you do not have this, and that you can not see yourself having this. Desire is more powerful in it's meaning. It means that you command to have this, and will find a way to achieve this.
After finish writing your desire on a piece of paper, read it. Read it in the morning, once in the afternoon, and at night. You are getting familiar with your desire and commanding it to be reality. Every time you read it, you see yourself achieving this desire. You strive in your actions everyday to achieve this as you begin to know it to be reality. You are accepting into your reality.
Your desire will get you through the rough patch, because your focus will only be on attaining this into reality. Go ahead dream big. Let your desire carry you through to achieving your goals. You must know it is possible and you will attain it. Commanding your mind to form this into reality will make it appear as you find a way to bring it to existence.
Do this exercise everyday. Start to command to the universe, your surroundings, to grant you your desires. The mind is an amazing tool, and the world around us has infinite possibilities.
I know you can achieve great things. You think Edison invented the light bulb just like that. No, he had a dream, and a desire to make it reality. It took him 10,000 attempts, but he got it. Why? He didn't give up, he let his desire bring him there. He convinced his mind to bring it to reality. You can do the same.
I surround myself with successful people everyday to help me progress on my journey to success. I'm creating my own success with every step i take, every breath i take, I am achieving success. Switching your mindset will get you to living your desires. Begin your amazing journey to success.
Your best kind of thinking got you where you are now. You must take action and surround yourself with the right kind of people. You will find what it takes to become successful, and you commanding to the universe to grant you success. Be apart of something that will change your life, and show you how to become successful.
Success is not in some of us, it's in all of us. There's plenty to go around. It's time to take action and change your life. You deserve it.
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Monday, 22 October 2018
The Top 5 Classic Self-Help Books
Every year there are dozens of self-help books published in the US. Some are read and soon forgotten and eventually go out of print while others go on to become classics. A classic book is a book accepted as being exemplary or noteworthy and has stood the test of time. This is a list of what I consider to be the best self-help book classics.
5. It Works by RHJ
Though not as well-known as the other books on this list, Roy Herbert Jarrett known as R. H. J. authored the little book entitled "IT Works!" published in 1926. "IT Works!" outlined a simple, workable procedure for obtaining one's heart's desires by focus of thought power. The simple, powerful procedure to obtain whatsoever one desires, by right thinking, has brought happiness and fulfillment to many as they learned how to focus their thoughts. Virtually all books on goal setting and mind control published since "It Works!" have followed the same basic ideas. And nothing exceeds imitation for proof of validity!
4. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
The Richest Man in Babylon is a book by George Samuel Clason which gives financial advice through a collection of parables set in ancient Babylon. Through their experiences in business and managing household finance, the characters in the parables learn simple lessons in financial wisdom. Originally, a series of separate informational pamphlets distributed by banks and insurance companies, the pamphlets were bound together and published in book form in 1926. The most important idea in the book is this: "A part of all you earn is yours to keep" meaning you should save a tenth of all you make to invest, doing so will make you wealthy. Modern writers have adopted this idea most notably David L. Bach best known for his Automatic Millionaire Series of motivational financial books.
3. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
The Science of Getting Rich is a book written by the New Thought Movement writer Wallace D. Wattles and published in 1910 by the Elizabeth Towne Company. The book is still in print after 100 years. It was a major inspiration for Rhonda Byrne's bestselling book and film The Secret (2006). According to USA Today, the text is "divided into 17 short, straight-to-the-point chapters that explain how to overcome mental barriers, and how creation, not competition, is the hidden key to wealth attraction." The Science of Getting Rich preceded similar financial success books such as The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel (1912) and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (1937). In the 100 years since its publication, it has gone through many editions, and remains in print from more than one publisher.
2. The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale
Not a book but a recording of a weekly pep talk given to Nightingales sales force, he owned an insurance agency at the time, The Strangest Secret, earned the first Gold Record for the spoken word, with sales exceeding 1 million copies. Nightingale, known as the 'dean of personal development,' reveals how he discovered and lived the secret to success. Nightingale partnered with Vic Conant to market the recording due to popular demand for it and is also credited with starting the self-help/personal development field.
1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Considered by many to be the greatest self-help book ever published, Hill’s Think and Grow Rich first published in 1937, is the end product of two decades of research conducted by Napoleon Hill. His research started when Andrew Carnegie (the steel tycoon who was then the richest man on earth) gave him the assignment of organizing a Philosophy of Personal Achievement. Hill, who was a poor journalist, armed with just an introductory letter from Carnegie, set out to interview over five hundred successful people including Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, John D. Rockefeller, George Eastman, William Wrigley Jr. and Charles M. Schwab. Hill then revealed the priceless wisdom of his research in the form of the thirteen steps to success (in Think and Grow Rich) and the seventeen principles of success (in courses and lectures he conducted).
Sunday, 21 October 2018
Saturday, 20 October 2018
Friday, 19 October 2018
The CEO of You
The Chief Executive Officer of "You Incorporated"? Sounds like a weird expression but it’s nonetheless a viable and vital concept. It is to see yourself as a company or product (which you certainly are). The CEO of you, Inc. is essentially concerned with personal branding. When it comes to personal branding, the ultimate responsibility rests with the individual and not a second party. Personal branding is perhaps as crucial for success as much as the branding of a company or its products and services, if not much more. Companies the world over are noted for branding and re-branding their products and services. They do so to create value, have competitive advantage and remain relevant within their chosen industries. Personal branding is undoubtedly the way to go for professionals who desire to climb high the ladder of success in the corporate world.
Develop a unique sales proposition
As CEO of you, Inc., it is essential you develop a unique sales proportion. What do you stand for? What do you want to be known for? What makes you stand out from the crowd? What image of you do you want to be etched into the psyche of your clients or potential clientel? In his book, "The Millionaire in you", Dr. Michael Leboeuf notes that the purpose for a unique sales proposition is to set you apart from those who do similar work. He provides practical advice on the route to take: "Look at your work through the eyes of those who hire you. What do they value most when they hire someone like you? What problems do they want you to solve? What can you do better than anyone else? Take the answers to those questions and write a short, original statement, phrase or word that tells people why you are the person they need." It is that simple and yet very essential. Leverage on your uniqueness.
Commit to self improvement
Failure to continually strive to be a better ‘you’ will be counter-productive, especially if you are involved with the corporate world and desire to be the best you can possibly be. It should be the pre-occupation of employers, employees and prospective employees to constantly engage with activities that stimulate the mind, unleash potential and sharpen competences. It is advantageous to be on a constant look out for opportunities for self improvement. If it requires reading some self help or motivational books do so. If it requires attending seminars or enrolling for a course to build your capacity, by all means do so. Go the full length to ensure that you are better today than you were yesterday.
In his book, "be a sales superstar", Brian Tracy, a world renowned author and top sales trainer, contends that sales persons, and all employees for that matter ought to dedicate themselves to contiguous learning. He notes that, "the future belongs to the learners… The highest paid sales people spend much more time and money improving themselves and upgrading their skills than the average sales person." So right on point!
Commit to Excellence
Excellence should be the hallmark of every professional. Mediocrity in the delivery of products and services should not be countenanced whatsoever. When assigned a task, one ought to settle for nothing short of excellence. It was Orison Swett Marden who once proffered this advice: "Make it a life-rule to give your best to whatever passes through your hands. Stamp it with your personal character. Let superiority be your trademark." You do not want to be known for slackness and mediocrity. Such will be a poor brand and would inadvertently drive away clients and prospective clients. Brian Tracy also states, "The dividing line between success and failure is contained in your ability to make a clear, unequivocal decision that you are going to be the best and then to back your decision with persistence and determination until you reach your goal." Such solid advice!
Commit to integrity
Integrity in business is everything, someone has said. Integrity basically connotes the attribute of doing the right thing at all times and in all occasions; ethical uprightness; honesty. Professor Thomas Dunfee of the Wharton School and who was in business for nearly three decades once noted, "We need to stress that personal integrity is as important as executive skill in business dealings." Sharing similar sentiments, Warren Buffet, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway once conceded that "in looking for people to hire, look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don`t have the first one, the other two will kill them." It is sad that some professional have developed the proclivity for outwitting the system and more especially their clients. In the long run, when their sordid business dealings are discovered, they lose clients and in some cases end up with lawsuits and imprisonment. Who wants to hire (or have business dealings with) a swindler?
Commit to creating visibility
As CEO of you, Inc., creating visibility is a must; Refusal to do so is to consign yourself to obscurity and failure. Creating visibility essentially connotes the idea of exposure. Placing advertisements and embarking on several other promotional campaigns are employed by companies to create visibility, with the intent of increasing their market share. Little wonder S. H. Britt once made this perceptive statement: "Doing something without advertising is like winking at a beautiful girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does." Dr. Michael Leboeuf shared similar sentiments when he stated that "the world isn’t going to beat a path to your door unless it knows you exist, what benefit you provide and what makes you special." Here, social media such as Face book, Twitter and the likes become important. When an employer (or potential employer) for instance, checks your profile and posts on Face book, what will he or she see and what impression will he have of you? What image do you create in the minds of your contacts and others who may at one point in time or the other check out your posts? It`s horrendous how many youngsters, some elderly included, mess up their personal brands via social media. Rather than mess up or waste your time in idle chatter on social media, make a deliberate effort to ensure that your accounts, profiles and posts project a good image about yourself. See social media as a promotional tool.
You could also volunteer your services, where you desire to work for instance; this is one of the viable ways of creating visibility which will inure to your benefit in the long run.
When all is said and done, never forget that you are CEO of you, Inc. It will do a lot of good if every professional or aspiring professional takes personal branding seriously. One ought to maintain the consciousness of being a CEO of you, Incorporated and should take calculated measures to create a personal brand that will sell.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Monday, 15 October 2018
Sunday, 14 October 2018
Unlimited You!
Everyone, at some point or another, feels like they don’t truly have their own unique identity. Regardless of how we feel about ourselves, we have massive potential to see any or all ideas and desires come into being.
Imagination is something many of us have come to believe as a limited concept. By this I mean that some believe their imagination is not so great or it is something they were good at in youth. This is far from the truth. Imagination is something that lives with us each and every day. Imagination is thought and through specified thought we can start to recreate better lives for ourselves anytime, anywhere.
Though we are identifiable as physical human beings, we are not definable.
This means we are not limited and not explainable. We are incapable of being limited to definitions or beliefs. We cannot be explained because we are infinite and eternal, always changing and growing to new imagined experiences of the future. We are not a physical body, we create our physical body as we go and we do this by the beliefs that we hold either by unconditional choice or conditional choice. Whichever we give the power of dominion to.
Conditioned choice are habits, thought pattern and beliefs we hold in our mind to be true. Patterned thought, beliefs and habits taught to us and shared to us through and by our environment. Environment meaning: our family, social networks, media, books and so on. All experiences are inclusive because we experienced them through our senses; hear, see, smell, touch and taste. Conditioned choice is conditioned beliefs.
Unconditional choice is unlimited thought, unlimited mind, imagination. Regardless of what we see before us, know or hear, unconditional means there is endless possibility. Our mind IS unlimited; our mind is imagination. And Imagination IS the use of our mind.
We are unlimited
We, right now, before and tomorrow have always had the ability to have, be or do whatever we want. We are Superior and Superior can only be narrowed by conditioned beliefs.
So how do we believe this, especially with the layers of conditioned beliefs?
Let’s use the example of a cup of tea:
The components needed to make a cup of tea are: a kettle/pot to boil water, a heating element, electricity, water, tea, a cup, perhaps milk and sugar, a teaspoon, atmospheric pressure for the vapor pressure and gravity to keep the components from floating.
The tea cup, tea bag and spoon are prepared and placed on the bench. The kettle is switched on, until the water reaches the boiling point. Where is ‘boiling’? We call it boiling, but we cannot precisely define it, because boiling cannot be specified nor isolated. We simply acknowledge the superior, ‘boiling’.
So where is ‘life’? We have cells that make up components such as organs, bones and tissues. We have chemicals, nutrients and breath. However, we cannot define or explain ‘life,’ where it occurs, what is soul (essence or spirt) or how it appears when it is isolated. It is simply a sequence of Superior. Just as ‘boiling’ and ‘life’, ‘mind’ is unlimited, it cannot be wholly defined. Without Superior the kettle and body with all its components would not exist. And without imagination the ‘mind’ does not exist.
Conditioned beliefs, thought patterns and choices are a language that divides us from our superior and our unique energy signature.
This dividing from true self was passed on to each generation and it has broken our connection to ourselves and to acknowledging the superior within all others. We have become ‘things’, and we refer to each other in these words, for example; She is tall, he is rich, they are European, he is a lawyer, or I am a mother. Because of this we see the world as we describe it, as a divided assortment of ‘things’.
Begin by learning why imagination is the key to obtaining what you desire for your own life. Let yourself live to your full and truest potential by unlocking the secrets and abilities living within you.
Imagination is the stuff of miracles.
Saturday, 13 October 2018
Friday, 12 October 2018
Thursday, 11 October 2018
Wednesday, 10 October 2018
Tuesday, 9 October 2018
Monday, 8 October 2018
Sunday, 7 October 2018
How to Increase Your Self-Esteem and Increase Success
Self-esteem is defined as a person’s overall "self-appraisal…their own level of competence, beauty and worth." Interestingly, self-esteem can involve a person’s belief system, as well as their emotion. Self-esteem can be tied in with a person’s desires and belief-obligations, as well as what they feel is their own level of competence. Emotionally, self-esteem can be affected by feelings of pride and shame as well as joy and despair. You can tell a lot about a person’s self-esteem in the way they carry themselves. Body language as well as tone of voice and facial expressions can reveal qualities of assertiveness, shyness, confidence or nervousness.
Many people suffer from low self-esteem as well as other self-limiting beliefs, which pummel them into a state of non-action. Self-esteem is not limited to one aspect of a person’s body or mind, nor is it all-inclusive. Some people may hate their physical appearance but still hold their mental prowess to be average to high in ability. Others may discount their abilities or their worth, even though they enjoy showcasing their body for attention. Some people may hate every aspect about themselves. Whatever the case, these personalities are said to have low self-esteem. Because of these limiting beliefs, people have been known to sabotage their own future by putting forth careless efforts.
High and Low Self-Esteem
What does the opposite of low self-esteem really mean? It doesn’t imply arrogance, though the term self-confident has occasionally been used to describe vain characteristics. A high level of self-esteem essentially means respecting yourself as a person, treating yourself with the same attitude that you would give one of your own friends or peers. This is an important step to increasing your level of self-esteem: viewing your life objectively. If you look at yourself through someone else’s eyes, you may find plenty to love and little to hate. You may also be able to better pinpoint negative behaviors that can be changed, assuming you want to change.
High self-esteem has been called the "immune system" of the soul, something that can help a person to cope with life’s problems and sidestep problems. What builds self-esteem in the first place? Self-esteem is very hard to fake. People who try too hard to be self-confident usually give themselves away. Self-esteem is an internal peace that exudes to the surface of a man or woman’s skin. Self-esteem evolves along with the human organism, starting from a child’s developmental process into adulthood. The child learns to be happy and confident with his or her abilities because of positive reinforcement learned early on. Beyond this stage, self-esteem is increased the more success an adolescent (and eventually and adult) enjoys in life. Success naturally makes people feel good about the world and about their own capacity to contribute to it. The more challenges they overcome they more energized they feel. You could say that success is like a healthy vitamin, as opposed to the addictive drug of failure. Your body has to cope somehow with its surroundings. Better that you nourish it with positive feelings rather than expose it to chronic misery!
How To Be Successful
How does one ensure success, though? Isn’t it true that it’s hard to become successful in life and that, as many inspiring success stories as there are out there, there are twice as many depressing stories that don’t amount to anything? Yes, it is true that bad things happen and that some visions of success are unrealistic. It would not be wise to covet the riches of a movie star or the fame of a national figure. This is an unrealistic expectation for most, propagated by the media, an institution that relies on the sensational and the unbelievable in order to sell their product. Before you start to define what success really means you have to determine your own personal definition. What do you want out of life, in the short-term and the long-term?
Setting goals is a must. I believe in setting ambitious goals that are in alignment with what you want in your life. When you set short-term goals, you are giving your mind more consistent reinforcement. You are not focusing on one monumental feat every 5 years, but little goals perhaps every week or even every day. It’s about progress and achieving milestones along the way to your long-term and life-time goals. The more goals you fulfill, even if they are relatively small, the better you will feel about yourself. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and forgive yourself for your mistakes. This is what makes or breaks self-esteem. Increase your self-esteem by measuring your progress. You know if you are making progress you are on the path toward achieving your goals.
Saturday, 6 October 2018
Friday, 5 October 2018
What are you busy about?
"It is not enough to ask why you are so busy. The question is, what are you so busy about?" - Henry David Thoreau
In today's society everyone seems to be "busy". Right now you may be busy and hoping this article isn't too long to read because you have too many things to do today. People today do not have time for even the basic needs to form a strong family, the core of a strong society. Most people do not have time for their financial planning nor estate planning. Maybe they are hoping that those issues will be taken care by themselves. Entrepreneurs are running around with great ideas but "too busy" to develop a business plan that could harness that idea and focus the energy to increase the chances for success.
Most people will share with you with pride and puffing up their chest about how busy they are. As if being busy is something to be proud of and the goal. Being busy and being productive are two totally different things. Being busy without a clear vision will lead to wasted of time. Unfortunately that is a plague that has infected most people in the United States. Most executives will have 53 items in their to-do list taking space on a piece of paper as to satisfy their ego that they are doing something or as a way to prove their co-works "I am busier than you". Tasks in your to do list that don’t add value to your life or work are going to lead to frustration and wasted time. Are those tasks that are keeping you busy providing you a deeper sense of fulfillment and are they aligned with your values? Do they provide you joy and peace of mind?
Today is a good day to take a moment and reflect on the tasks you are performing and in the midst of your busyness ask yourself "what are you busy about?". Is there a better way, more efficient and less stressful way to accomplish my daily tasks? Being busy is ok when you are focused, grounded and calm.
Here are five tips:
1. Define your core values
2. Avoid Over-Committing
3. Learn to Say NO
4. Outsource, Delegate and Automate
5. Take a "Mini-Vacation" from the busyness and noise
Martin Luther King said that he'd never have accomplished what he did if he didn't spend three hours a day in prayer. How much time are you taking for prayer and meditation? Take a moment today and reflect on what is truly important for you. Take a moment and prepare a plan on how to accomplish the goals that will provide you and your loved ones joy, fulfillment and peace of mind.
Thursday, 4 October 2018
Applying Law Of Attraction Consciously
Many people have known the Law of Attraction. Although called The Secret, it is no longer any secret. However, it is not by knowing it we can reap the benefit, it is in our ability to utilize it. It depends on our faith and belief. If we can make the best use of the Law of Attraction, it can help us bringing our biggest dream into existence. In this article, we will discuss the procedure of using the Secret Law of Attraction.
First, we must know what we want to manifest. Without knowing our desires, we cannot bring it into manifestation. After knowing it in detail and clear, it's time to ask the Universe. Make a wish but do not dwell on it. If you dwell on it, it will become day dream and that's not manifestation. It will influence manifestation but most people will end up doubting when day dreaming. We know doubt is not good because it stops our goals from manifesting.
You must write down your goals in present tense. By present, it means right now your desires are already fulfilled. Once you have completed writing, end it with gratitude. It is already been said in The Secret by Bob Proctor.
Next is to start the visualization step. Create imagination, get yourself into it. Through the first person point of view, live your life with your desire manifested. This is the picture that will be made real by the Universal Law of Attraction. However for it to be turned real, you must apply the procedures correctly and not doubt the Universal Law of Attraction.
Proper visualization and imaginations is important thing to be concerned about when using the Law of Attraction consciously. The reason is because the Universe only understands visions and emotions. The Universe does not understand words. However, that does not mean you should not write down your goals. The purpose of writing down goals is to ensure the mind is focused on one thing. As the Law of Attraction claims, you get what you focus upon.
Finally, you must monitor your feelings. Make sure you are always feeling good because it is wrong to feel bad. When you feel bad, you will have negative outlook and doubt the Universal Law of Attraction. That is not good because you must have faith if you want to use the Law of Attraction consciously. If you ever feel bad, think about things that makes your heart cheerful or do something that will make you feel good.
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Monday, 1 October 2018
Forget about forgetting your insecurity — here’s what to do instead!
Deep down, we’d all like to be able to simply forget — or delete — our insecurity.
Some people will claim that we’re better off having insecurity. Because it’s a natural, human trait that keeps us grounded and in touch with our humility.
But when someone with certain ambitions also has low confidence… They just wanna find that insecurity and simply press ‘delete’.
I know you’re out there, and I totally hear you.
However, here’s why we need to go about it a different way…:
Obviously there’s the fact that doing away with a considerable part of our mindset tends to be a time- and resource-demanding process.
But there’s also the fact that when we want to get rid of something, first we need to accept it.
Those of you who struggle with stress and panic anxiety will know this. The more we fight it, the worse it tends to get. It doesn’t start to go away until we calmly and openly acknowledge and accept that it’s there.
It’s like that for all imaginable problems, really.
Hell, just imagine trying to walk on a broken leg because you won’t accept that it’s broken. Not exactly clever, yeah?
When we accept something, we grow a little. I’m all about personal growth, and this case is no exception.
Because, just like with stress and anxiety, when we embrace insecurity, its influence lessens because we allow ourselves to contain it.
When we’re big enough, we can contain anything. Including the things that have been opposing us. And if we simply absorb our obstacles, they’re no longer in our way.
Pretty cool philosophy, right?
Furthermore, if you’ve ever been insecure, you’ll always remember that feeling no matter how hard you try to forget it. So really, it’s no use. But the root of the matter is, it’s not about forgetting; it’s about learning to ignore it at the right moments.
And yes, I specifically use the word 'ignore' here. Some might think me self-contradictory for talking about embracing insecurity first and then simply ignore it. But really, this is how confident people do it.
Given the right set of circumstances, anyone can feel insecure about something. This is basic, primal neural functions at work. We’re hardwired to look for trouble. But that doesn’t mean there’s really anything to be insecure about. So we need to learn to distinguish between real and perceived threats. Then, we’ll be able to tell our insecurity to calm down when it’s not useful.
Which, in fact, it rarely is.
Now, apart from acknowledging your insecurity, there are several things you can do that will naturally diminish it.
If done right, meditation helps. Also, exercise is always a good thing. Eating healthy and getting enough sleep should go without saying. (And then, of course, there’s confidence coaching, which I most heartily recommend!)
Different things work for different people. But however you live your life, always remember this:
Everyone feels insecurity. Even confident people. It's what we DO about it that shows our real character.
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