I wrote the original version of this article in 2006. Unfortunately, it
seems our society has become even more uncivil rather than more civil.
Join me in being part of the change.
Have you ever observed or been a part of the following scenarios?
• You are seated at a busy upscale restaurant and the first words from
the food server are, "Are you ready to order or do you need time?" It
does not occur to the person to say, "Good afternoon," or "Welcome."
• You call tech support when your computer locked up in the middle of
an important project. American English is not the tech’s primary
language, and you are having difficulty communicating. You lose your
temper while explaining the computer problem.
• You are
participating in a discussion about immigration, and you are verbally
attacked because your opinion differs from the others present.
As these and other similar situations become more common, do you often
wonder what really makes people so rude? I was recently asked by a
college in Wyoming to deliver a keynote to their faculty and staff
during their in-service day. I was asked to tailor my remarks to
civility instead of diversity. My first assumption was that they just
wanted me to avoid the "D" word. You know, talk about diversity but
don’t use the word. Upon further investigation, I discovered the
administration was very interested in building and sustaining a learning
environment that respects differences of all kinds. After all, an
institution of higher learning is the one place where diversity of all
types should be encouraged.
The request to focus on civility
came about due to the concern that too many people had a "short fuse’
and the leadership wanted to foster a culture where disagreements were
valued, not just tolerated. The client supported diversity and wanted
its faculty and staff to learn how to disagree agreeably, and model a
culture of sincere politeness. With the outbreaks of violence on school
campuses, leadership wanted to be proactive. They were not confusing the
notion of valuing diversity with civility; rather they believed they
needed to focus on civility before addressing issues of diversity that
would undoubtedly lead to discussions filled with differing opinions.
So why do otherwise "normal" people become so rude in certain situations? I believe there are at least three reasons:
1. We don’t make the time to connect with others as fellow members of
the human race first. The one thing we all have in common is that we are
human. We all want to be loved, respected, and safe. We have forgotten
to use "common" courtesies as a matter of course. Politeness is not
"common" anymore. Our time is so compressed, we shortcut politeness to
get to the point. In many ways technology has caused our lives to become
more stressful instead of less. Everyone wants everything immediately.
Email, voicemail and text messaging can cause misunderstandings. When a
problem arises and we need to connect directly with a stranger, we don’t
even exchange pleasantries; we go right to the issue at hand. To
address this issue, a past client, the Ritz-Carlton Hotels succeeded in
embedding courtesy into their culture. Their code is "We are ladies and
gentlemen serving ladies and gentleman." All interactions with guests
and employees are built upon this premise.
2. We have become
rigid in our thinking. Many believe their way is the only right way,
thus anyone who sees things differently is immediately wrong. Our
unconscious biases cause us to think our viewpoint is truth, rather than
just our point of view. Without a conscious attempt to connect on a
human level first, many people assume the other person is wrong or
ignorant so the resulting exchange is one of intolerance.
3. We
live in a society of blame. If you start your day by reading the
newspaper or watching TV news, you will see everything wrong with the
world, people feeling victimized and searching for someone to blame.
This focus then materializes in our behavior with comments such as "It’s
not my fault!", "You made me do it!"
Our lives do not have to
be this way. We can influence our environment. We are responsible for
our own actions. We can be civil toward each other even when we disagree
with different points of view. Try the following actions for the next
thirty days, and observe the difference in your own interactions.
Perhaps they will even become new habits!
1. Before starting any
conversation for the first time with your co-workers, service providers
or strangers greet them by saying "Good morning," or "Good afternoon."
2. Ask "why do you think that…" before jumping to a conclusion about someone.
3. Watch the news in the evening, instead of starting your day with bad news.
4. Look for reasons to be grateful, and find ways to be kind for no reason.
5. When someone says "thank you" to you, respond with "my pleasure" instead of "no problem."
6. When someone makes a potentially explosive statement, that is not in
the form of a question, respond with silence. If you must respond, try
this. "Thank you for sharing. I see it this way… because…
7. Create a quiet space for yourself.
8. Take a "cranky" quiz. http://www.whyiseveryonesocranky.com/quizzes/time.htm
There are dozens of things we can do to return to civility. The first
step is to follow Nike’s tagline, and "Just do it." To address the needs
of the above referenced client, I delivered one of my most popular
programs, Turning Barriers into Bridges. As part of the presentation,
the group brainstormed dozens of specific ways to bring the ideas to
So what does civility have to do with valuing
differences? Everything. Valuing differences is much more than being
nice to others, but if we cannot slow down long enough to really connect
to those different from ourselves, we cannot truly learn ways to
understand and respect them.
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